A simple vanity site–no, let’s call it informational. But some people other than I might be interested.
BIOGRAPHY Mick Winter lived in California’s Napa Valley with his wife Kathryn, daughter Joanna, and their cats Sophie and Truffle until his death in 2017.
He is the author of "Cuba for the Misinformed: Facts from the Forbidden Island," "Scan Me - Everybody's Guide to the Magical World of QR Codes," "Sustainable Living," "Insomnia Tips," and “Peak Oil Prep: Prepare for Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Collapse”. Mick received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California, Santa Barbara, a Master of Arts (Distinction) from the University of Brighton in the U.K., and a Ph.D from Flinders University in Australia. |
ON MICKFor more on Mick, see this Napa Valley Life Magazine article, or his much longer self-interview. Listen as Professor Tara Brabazon talks to Mick Winter about his book on QR codes titled "Scan Me: Everybody's Guide to the Magical World of QR Codes."
Tara Brabazon interviews Mick for Montage in Sri Lanka.